
Showing posts from October, 2021

What is a business dashboard and how to build it

If you have your business and you want to apply digital marketing, you need to make a dashboard; This will allow you to convert your sales data into very important information for your company. You may wonder what is a business dashboard ? Or how can you build a good dashboard? Here you will find out. What is a dashboard? It is a dashboard in which you can validate that your objectives are hand in hand with the KPIs and metrics of your business. Which allows you to visually manage, monitor and process performance indicators. With this tool you can examine all the relevant data of your company, so you can detect if there is a problem.  techwadia This business intelligence tool represents the summary that every company should use to see the progress that marketing has in a visual way. The dashboard allows you to see where your sales are going, what is their trend and the behavior of your business, so you will achieve all your proposed goals. Benefits of a dashboard The best...

When to fire an employee

As a leader you must know when to fire an employee, it is important that you can ensure the peace of your business. Firing an employee is not something pleasant but it is necessary to ensure the growth and well-being of your work. It is important that as a boss and leader you can recognize that an employee can ruin all the effort and hard work that has been harvested for a while. There will always be signs that can tell you that it is time to fire someone, let's get to know them. Signs to help you identify when to fire an employee Workers always show signs that will help you identify whether or not they feel comfortable with their work; Sometimes depending on the behavior it is not necessary to fire the worker but if there are occasions where firing him will be the only option. Some signs that will help you identify when it is time to fire an employee are: •              Begins to be absent unjustifiably As a leader...

Passive or active income, what are they and which is best for you?

What is passive or active income? Do they have differences between them? Which are? Having income is vital for daily living, hence the importance and need for them to be stable. Income can come in a number of ways, be it from bank transfers, payments, investments, or other forms. What is passive or active income and how is it different? Passive income is that which comes from active or ordinary sources, that is, income that you acquire doing anything. To obtain this passive income, you do not exchange your time and continuous effort to acquire them. Doing it wisely can speed up your retirement process and have early financial freedom. Now active income is what is received through efforts, that is, you must get directly involved ; an example is the employees they are active wage earners. To earn active income you will need to dedicate your time significantly. The main differences between passive or active income are: •          ...

What is the minimum profit percentage for a product

If you are starting your business and you want to know what the profit from your sales should be. Here we will talk about what the minimum profit percentage should be when selling a product; What you must do to obtain the necessary income for your company and what data you must include when placing the price of your product.   digitallifehackers Minimum profit percentage for a product The percentage of your sales will largely depend on the product you offer. However, in most cases the minimum profit should be 10-15% of the net profit. This percentage is obtained by calculating the cost of production multiplied by the total quantity of goods manufactured plus the expenses for manufacturing. Generally speaking, the net profit margin of a product to be considered average must be 10%; for it to be a good profit, it should be 20%. Unlike that if the income is 5% it can be considered as low. However, everything will depend on the type of marketing you do.   pcworldso...

How to automate the sales of your company easily

Automating the sales processes of a company has great advantages; in fact, thanks to this, many workers and employers have managed to save time and resources in this process. How can you automate the sales of your company easily? , we show it to you below.   bolts.answerhop Automate your company's sales with a CRM To increase sales , you need to give them as much attention as possible. However, it is routine tasks that tend to become the priority, preventing the business from growing as expected. There is no way to ignore them, however it is possible to automate them for better performance. So, how to automate the sales of your company easily? Using a CRM software . These streamline sales like never before because they are able to process them automatically. As it does?    tc-bolts.dyifo There are many ways, but let's focus on two of them: data organization and updating, and automated email platforms. Organization and updating of customer data By having a...

3 tools to know market trends

Today we can use tools to know market trends quickly and easily, thanks to technology. A growing business in search of prosperity must constantly study the market to keep up with the demands of customers. Let's look at some tools that will help you keep your business on the cutting edge and keeping up with trends.   3 Tools to know market trends To carry out a study of market trends, it is necessary to use different tools that allow for better gathering of information ; in this way the adaptation to the products and services offered to consumers will be easier to do. Some tools to know market trends are: 1.      Study the evolution of your products In order for your business to evolve, it must be up to date with the trends and patterns that are repeated year after year in the market; It is necessary to have a record of these behaviors to check what the year-on-year increase in sales of a specific product has been. 2.      Analyz...

How to make money with affiliate marketing and how to use it in your business

How to make money with affiliate marketing? It's possible? The answer is yes; This is a way to earn money online, a strategy that you can use in your business to increase your income and promote your products or services in an ingenious way. How to make money with affiliate marketing? To answer this question you must first know what affiliate marketing is; and this is a business practice that pays its affiliates for them to promote the products or services of the company or business that contacts them. Affiliate marketing involves three parties that are •              Merchant, creator or brand, that is, the owner of the product or service. •              Affiliate or publisher, is the person who can influence others to buy or acquire a product or service. Mostly people who are bloggers or influencers on Instagram, YouTube or tiktoks are used; Affiliate marke...

How to advertise your business online

Do you want to advertise your company online and don't know where to start?  Thanks to technology and its evolution there are different ways to promote your company or business virtually today. You need to know which platforms are best suited to your company and take advantage of the space to make yourself known; Carrying out a good strategy in this field can open the doors for you to get more customers and grow in the market. What do you need to advertise your company online? There are different ways to advertise online to a company, among them are: •              Web page Many companies, despite having a physical store, create a web page in order to reach their potential customers; on this page they place the catalog with all the products and services offered. In addition to this, they place the history of the company, testimonials from satisfied customers, photos among other important data. All this data provi...

How to determine the financial health of your business

Being aware of how your business is doing financially is essential to make decisions that positively change its future. If you don't know how to do it, you've come to the right place. We will show you how to determine the financial health of your business so that your company grows and consolidates itself as the best. Indicators to know the financial health of your business Currently there are many useful indicators when studying the finances of your company, below we will show you some of them. Liquidity indicators The liquidity indicators are those that throw you information about whether your business has or the ability to respond to the debts and obligations to be paid in the short term, ie in less than a year. It is important at this point in the analysis to know how you identify the current assets and current liabilities of the business. Ideally, the company has what is necessary to pay the full debts and, in addition, be left with a remainder for any eventualit...

How to organize your business processes

Regardless of whether they are new.s or have years with their project, many people wonder how to organize your business processes; And this issue is very important, since, if you lack organization in your company, the lack of efficiencies and chaos in the work environment begin. That is why it is extremely important to understand that running a company goes beyond just passion or having the desire to progress. Which is why in this article you will learn about the essential steps to organize your business processes effectively and efficiently. Objective of the organization of the processes in your business The organization of the processes is made up of two branches, which are: Technology and methodology . Now, thanks to these two columns, the organization of the process aims to improve efficiency and optimize processes as its name indicates. This work can take several hours or even days to design, as it must organize, model, design and document many ways in which the environmen...

How to lead a sales team

A sales manager plays a very significant role for his work team, for this reason it is very important that you not only supervise the efforts of your group; but be a good guide for them. Here you will discover how to lead a sales team and what steps you must take to achieve the objectives of the department. How to lead a sales team The success of the sales area depends to a great extent on having a good leader, since the team leader is the one in charge of incentivizing, motivating and promoting the good management of his team. In addition, to be aware that there is a good work environment and of course to be aware of the performance of the team to achieve the goals set. Having good leadership implies being a sales director, administrator and manager, since the objective is to ensure the profitability of sales, that is, that the desired sales are achieved and at the same time reduce expenses for the company. Steps to be a good leader You should try to cover everything necessa...

When to hire an advisor for your business

Many companies hire a consultant to improve some areas of work, but when to hire a consultant ? Some companies only seek to improve certain deficiencies they may have, others only hire a consultant for a while, and some have conversations with their consultants on an ongoing basis. This is why the investment in an advisor will depend on the results you hope to obtain in your business; If it is true that for a company that is starting it is a bit complicated to make this type of investment, but it is necessary. You can study in which area it is essential to hire an advisor and get to work. When to hire a consultant and how to choose a suitable one? It is necessary that you have time to serve your clients and get to know them a little more, so you can establish winning business strategies. That is why it is necessary that you seek external help with the advisors in the following areas:  tophealthfitnesstips       •        ...

Network Marketing and Multi-Level Sales Are They the Same?

Many of us ask ourselve the following question about network marketing and multilevel sales. Are they the same? and that is why we will give a brief but concise concept of the meaning of each of these sales modalities.  technologyies Marketing networks Marketing networks are known by multiple names, such as: Network marketing or MLM . This method is nothing more than distributing products through independent intermediaries, who in turn can associate other people interested in distributing certain products and these first receive a commission for each person they include.  techiescity This mode makes it possible for people to reach or rather create an organization with thousands of people and very lucrative. The advantages of network marketing is that it allows you to be your own boss, since your earnings are in how much products you sell and the amount of people who are involved.  themarketingpilot   In many cases, this business begins involving friends, fami...

When is it time to sell your business?

There are two factors of weight to sell a company, or it is at its highest peak of profits and you want to invest in another again. Or, on the contrary, you are not generating a lot of money and decide to sell it to avoid bankruptcy. Both decisions are of deep analysis. But when is it time to sell your business?  technologyify We will be explaining this topic to you in this post, read to the end and find out when you should say this far and sell. Any questions about it, you can leave it to us at the end of the article.  worldbeautytips When and why is it time to sell your business? There are 3 reasons why an entrepreneur can make the determination to sell his company, let's see one by one.  technologyford 1. Financial support If as an entrepreneur you need financial support to survive and you do not have it, it can put you at a disadvantage compared to other companies and it can be a compelling reason to sell your company.  techiesin 2. There is no cooper...

Complete guide to designing your marketing plan

In order for you to obtain the success that you have wanted so much in your business or company, it is best to carry out a good marketing plan. You may ask how can I do it? What are the steps that you will have to take? Here you will discover how to design your marketing plan in the easiest and simplest way. Practical guide to designing an excellent marketing plan If you create your own marketing plan this will help you to have your objectives set; the sales strategies and the actions you must take to succeed as an entrepreneur. Each company has its style and its way of executing things, however, to design the plan you must comply with the following steps: 1.             You must carry out a complete analysis of how the business is both internally and externally. You will have to execute a SWOT matrix so that you are clear about the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of your company. Also, you should include an a...