Network Marketing and Multi-Level Sales Are They the Same?

Many of us ask ourselve the following question about network marketing and multilevel sales. Are they the same? and that is why we will give a brief but concise concept of the meaning of each of these sales modalities. technologyies

Marketing networks

Marketing networks are known by multiple names, such as: Network marketing or MLM . This method is nothing more than distributing products through independent intermediaries, who in turn can associate other people interested in distributing certain products and these first receive a commission for each person they include. techiescity

This mode makes it possible for people to reach or rather create an organization with thousands of people and very lucrative. The advantages of network marketing is that it allows you to be your own boss, since your earnings are in how much products you sell and the amount of people who are involved. themarketingpilot


In many cases, this business begins involving friends, family and acquaintances and from there the advancement of marketing networks begins. If you are interested in how to form a work team, enter here and you will see this fabulous information. technologywebdesign

Marketing networks have been in the market for many years, and this has allowed not only companies to grow, but also the people who begin to distribute these different products; can earn good income. This last point has led people to venture into this financial system. technologytimesnow

Since despite having the advantages that we have already mentioned, such as: being your own boss and having a good income; it also gives you the freedom of time. Another advantage is that it is a formula that allows you to start with little capital and obtain excellent results.

Multilevel Business

Dorias Wood, indicated that multilevel business is a legal market that allows people and companies to obtain favorable benefits in their economy, and this works in the following way: Sellers or distributors, get products at a wholesale price , which will indirectly become intermediaries between the buyer and the company.

This form of sale is also known as MLM, business marketing, relationship marketing, or interactive distribution . The companies have called it in different ways and this is because they do not want these sales modalities to be linked to some illegal scheme; such as ponzi schemes or even pyramid sales.

Network Marketing and Multi-Level Sales Are They the Same?

In conclusion, multilevel marketing and sales networks, as we could see, in the definitions are not the same although they have similarities. To be able to obtain economic benefits legally, through the distribution of products and associates.

It is important to emphasize that there is a difference between marketing networks or also known as multilevel sales and pyramid businesses.

Since the latter is usually fraudulent and it is very possible that it will make you lose all the money invested; Although they work almost in the same way, there are several points that differentiate it, such as: The registration fee and the products that each of these modalities offer.





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