Passive or active income, what are they and which is best for you?

What is passive or active income? Do they have differences between them? Which are? Having income is vital for daily living, hence the importance and need for them to be stable. Income can come in a number of ways, be it from bank transfers, payments, investments, or other forms.

What is passive or active income and how is it different?

Passive income is that which comes from active or ordinary sources, that is, income that you acquire doing anything. To obtain this passive income, you do not exchange your time and continuous effort to acquire them. Doing it wisely can speed up your retirement process and have early financial freedom.

Now active income is what is received through efforts, that is, you must get directly involved ; an example is the employees they are active wage earners. To earn active income you will need to dedicate your time significantly.

The main differences between passive or active income are:


To receive active income you must invest a minimum of 8 hours a day to obtain a significant salary. On the other hand, passive income does not require a constant and regular dedication of your time; Passive income can be obtained even if you are sleeping.


With active income you must be actively striving, which requires knowledge and skills to function in your area. On the other hand, passive income requires an initial effort to establish and invest; But it is not necessary that you continually dedicate your efforts.

             Income potential

In the case of active income, it is based on the profession or the time you have worked in a company. In passive income it is necessary to be constant and maintain concentration so that these income exceed and replace active income.

How to obtain financial freedom?

Passive income is available to anyone who wants it , so financial freedom and independence will consist of having enough assets; These should at least equal all the expenses you have without the need for you to work actively.

Financial income gives you the freedom you require to be able to start new projects that allow you the growth that you long for. Your objective is to perceive the benefits of that work previously carried out; Once your income exceeds your annual expenses, you can say that you have achieved financial freedom.

Among passive or active income, the most chosen by people is passive and it is because there are many opportunities to obtain it. Get a good opportunity and take advantage of it, develop your idea and work on acquiring income.

Do not give up and act, most people doubt, they look for excuses, they get discouraged; do not expect to see results overnight, you will have to spend a reasonable time to notice the differences since it requires an investment of initial time and effort.

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